Monday, 2 March 2015

Blog2 new mom

So after shamelessly eliciting artistic inspiration in my previous blog, I've decided to make some random posts of observations and experiences that interest me. Writing also provides me a creative outlet, and I just find it fun. I have also noticed I'm drawn to posts in list form so I've made a list of my own. A list about what im experiencing right now in my life, maybe you've experienced it in yours?
Four Revelations of a New Mom

Babies are great exfoliaters- Yes, indeed. I bet you feel when you nestle your beautiful child to your breast to provide her with nutrient rich momma milk, that you are the only one providing a service. Not true. Your child also is obliged to provide you with a service. Exfoliation.
Yes that darling will scratch, pinch, twist, rub and claw all exposed areas of your skin with a ferocity unmatched by any commercial product. No amount of screams, No's, or limb removal will deter this overachiever. When she is finished you will be left with a fresh layer of rosy blood flushed flesh from naval to chin. No longer will those pesky epitheliums lay claim to your body, they are firmly entrenched under her fingernails. She will also make sure to twist your other nipple so you may never feel it has been forgotten and is foremost in her mind. Do you have a special event that you would like to wear a sexy low cut dress too? Well mama you better figure out how to pair a turtleneck with a mini skirt unless you enjoy questioning and pitiful stares. So why not just cut those little razor talons. I do. However they regrow with such enthusiasm it must have been essential to our survival at some part of our evolutionary journey. They could not sprout faster if I smeared them with the peanut butter solution! So you may be tempted in this dry winter weather to continue with your grooming routine and slough of the rough areas your child has left behind. Dont, just dont. You may find it more comforting to inflict a thousand paper cuts and take a lemon bath.

Never Trust The Stairs- Remember when you brought your little baby home and carried her upstairs to show her all the work you put into her room? Remember coming back down that first day? I stood at the precipice of the staircase holding my little bundle of rubber bones thinking oh fuck. With legs unsure as a new born doe I assessed my game plan for decent. Holding my babe with one arm and gripping the railing seemed to leave much room for error. This task required both arms. Grasping her tight around the middle I saddled myself securely against the opposing wall. A linebacker would be challenged to move my stance. Leaving a shoulder streak the length of the staircase I safely delivered my girl to the ground floor. As time passed hundreds of diaper changes and bedtimes slowly widdled away my initial trepidation. No longer did I suck myself to the wall but retained the double arm hold, until Wednedsay. Wednesday happened. Several events conspired to contribute to my ultimate demise. First, it was baby and books day at the library. I had missed last week due to a Doctors appointment and was determined to get there this week even though it was storming. Why? Well because I'm filled with mommy guilt that I'm not doing enough, that she may be under stimulated, and I enjoy leaving the house at least once a week. Second, I had socks on to match my going out Joggers (you know the ones that don't have the ass and knees stretched out yet from wearing them three days in a row). At home I'm usually barefoot or wear slippers with sticky padded bottoms. Only the most special of circumstances require socks. Anyway, I rushed around warming and brushing off the car, changing and dressing the babes, double checking the diaper bag stash.
Just like any other day I began for downstairs with Einstein in my arms and WHAM! Two treads in I hit the corner of those ugly builder grade wooden oak stairs with all my post baby weight. Bing Bang fucking boom I rocked every edge of every stair with my ass cheeks, thighs, ribs and pride. I hit every goddamn thing... except....the baby. Holy Fuck is all that entered my brain as I craddled and shushed the girl, not hurt but in shock from our spontaneous riotous slide. It seems those fancy socks slipped on the edge and unable to use my arms we rode the inertia all the way down. So please mamas never trust the stairs but if this should befall you trust in yourself that you will not let your baby go.

Bath Toys or Bush- Whats that you say? Bush, yes Bush. Now before you contort your face in judgement lets get something straight. It's winter. I know most of you moms are not sitting around with a perfectly manicured puss and a cassarole in the oven. We are tired, we are stressed, and four months out to bikini season. With parenthood you must embrace your bohemian side or be prepared for certain defeat. SO anyway, I bought the baby new bath toys for christmas and was excited to use them now that she can sit up on her own.

Always searching for the lazy solution and also believing it would be fun, I have done this a lot since she was born but this was the first this winter and with her being more sure on her bum. Happily i dumped all her new paraphernalia into the tub and jumped in to enjoy her play. It was fun, she did enjoy them...for a moment. Then it happened. I was spotted. Her cherub cheeks turned, eyes widened in delight and her chubby little hand grabbed hold of my pubes with the grip of an eagle. She was filled with such sensory joy, bubble wrap cloaked in alpaca fur would not have made her happier. No amount of plastic fish, boats or bubblebath could distract her from what she now knew lay just beneath the surface. Pulling and grabbing her determined digits destroyed my nethers as sure as a drugstore Nair kit. She explored those curly tendrils with an archeological ambition. Unable to stop the madness without risk of drowning her, I ended the bath. However looking at my patchy privates now groomed with the talent of a student aesthetician, I had to reflect. Combined with the afore mentioned exfoliating qualities, I done born myself a minispa!!!

Beware the Mommy Forum- Isn't it sweet, that time during pregnancy you have no fucking clue what's going on in the parenting community. You post your shower pics to facebook and suddenly your invited to join a mommy group. You join, fun right, why not. Maybe I will need the help. Well let me give you a heads up. You will first notice this NBP on most posts, this means no bashing please. Well ok buy why would you have to put that before a question about what is the best sippy cup? Because there is actually some uppity douchbag out there that will find issue with this. She will 1. Berate you for your use of a sippy cup as it will surely cause your child to never properly hold a glass or 2. Be aghast at your lack of prenatal preparedness and criticize your need to ask this question in the first place.
Yes you will be ripped from asshole to appetite as surely as a criminal encircled by lions in the roman coliseum. This forum is a machine. One that runs on the questionable esteem of sleepless suckers and caregiver confusion. Don't ever feel bad for having a question but please ask your mom, aunt, sister, even your fucking father. Make sure all possible google searches have been exausted before you consider this avenue. Protect your confidence, your instinct, do not feed the ravenous animal that is a mean spirited and disgruntled mama. Go get on your jammies, pop some corn, nestle down under a blanket and read the comments. But Heed my words. DO NOT POST!


  1. How did you get Bowie to sleep in her crib at night? What was your experience with her sleeping patterns?
    I got a few for ya lol. I'll leave these 3 for now hahaha

  2. Well the transition into her crib wasn't to bad, for a few nights she woke more often but seemed to go back to her origional pattern after that. Her origional pattern being pretty shitty. I wish I could be of better help in this area but it's an ongoing battle still at our house. She goes down at 730 and sleeps to about 330, then up at 530 and finally up for the day between 6 and 7 ( rarely seven). Believe me I googled the shit out of sleep solutions. I did use the ferber method and it worked to a point. Earlier on she would be very difficult to keep down after bedtime, sometimes waking 3 to 4 times before midnight. This method definitely helped with getting her into a longer stretch initially but I can't seem to drop the early morning 3 o'clock feed. Some things that I find do help for night sleep is maybe making his bedtime a little earlier than normal. Also try to give him good naps. I find if you wait for the signs of tiredness e.g eye rubbing, ear pulling they may be overtired and it makes things worse. BOWIE has two naps a day starting 3 hours after wake up, I like to start settling her about a half hour before. They are usually one to two hours. I definitely notice a difference in the night if she gets shitty naps or skips them. I also try to give her a night lunch close to bedtime so she is full longer. Another tip for the crib is to give him a stuffed animal that smells like you. Stuff that teddy between your titties for a few days and it should be good. I did this with BOWIE and I can see her in the monitor snuggling it at night. I seriously wish you the best luck if your having sleep issues, it seems to improve in increments rather than sprints, and if you come upon the magic solution ffs let a bitch know!! Xo
