Sunday 1 March 2015

1st blog think initiative

Help foster creativity In a 30 something trying to maintain her brain!
First of all please don't let the blog title fool you into believing this will be a platform for heady intellectual discussions on the state of the world. Nope not even close. Don't get me wrong, world issues concern me as much as the next guy but this is gonna be a little more light, humour friendly! So what the hell is it about then? It's about you helping me helping you, k. Basically I have been thinking a lot about thinking lately and I'm feeling quite dull, boring lacking some spark or spirit. I'm getting older and feeling stupider ( more stupid?) fuck, see! I can't be the only one with this dilemma, the realization that age doesn't bring wisdom but a gradual decline in mental acuity. You begin by forgetting how to spell words, you repeat the letters over and over until even the correct spelling now looks bizarre. Than you start forgetting the words themselves. Remember all that random shit you learned as a kid, the names of like twenty trees and plants, the different instrument families, how to play the ukulele. Where the hell does that knowledge dissipate to? I know your not likely to retain things you don't use in everyday life but Jesus I have lost a lot of basic shit. Google is my god.
Math, MATH is downright embarrassing. An example of this tragic conclusion came during a written interview for a job at the liquor store in my early twenties. Two questions. Multiplication and your work. No problem I thought until I started to realize I have no fucking clue how to do long division and a foggy memory of carrying over and adding zeros somewhere for the multiplication. In a shame induced sweat fest I clumsily filled the paper with no less numbers, scribbles and symbols than the standard model.
All resulting in defeat and no call back obviously. That night I asked my partner to show how to do these problems, he did, it was easy. Easy if you can remember the formula! It wasn't a breakdown in my basic understanding of forth grade curriculum, it was my addle ass shit for brains. More mysterious was how I an A math student was being tutored by my ( I could give a shit about my marks) boyfriend. WTF.
So where am I going with this? Well in the last few weeks I have done a few very small creative projects and realized how much I enjoy these somewhat silly but thoughtful tasks. First I drew a picture for a friends kid of Darth Vader, then I wrote a song to a guitar melody my husband wrote and finally I made up chip flavours for the lays contest. Now I'm not saying I'm the next Picasso, Chris (my husband) and I are going to be youtube stars or Lays chips will even consider my flavour choices, but what I did notice was a change in myself. These small tasks made me incredibly happy. They allowed me to step outside of my predictable head and have a little fun. I felt completely reenergized and a little manic, which is great in small doses! When I was a teenager I was always writing, painting creating on some level or another. I was also severely depressed and probably described as weird by most of my friends. However although it was a very hard and trying time I certainly never felt boring, I was always occupied with the next idea or overwrought with pain from self created worries and issues. So what happened to that vivacious kid? Paxil, Paxil happened. A blessing and a curse.
It allowed me to find peace and calm within my thoughts but also stripped away my foolish spontaneity. No longer was painting the doghouse at three in the morning by candlelight a good idea. Playing solo basketball in the winter wearing my fathers overalls didn't make sense. Talking to my mothers house plants while rubbing their leaves with mayonnaise, in hindsight was a little strange. I just stopped doing things for the sake of doing them. This may make you less of an enigma to the neighbours but a little something does die inside, that spark I mentioned earlier.
So where do you come in? Well… I am hoping that maybe there is something I can help you with, a question, an idea, some brainstorming. Maybe you need a tie breaker a third opinion. Let me be your operator! Wtf does that mean, well when we were kids and needed to settle an argument we would call the operator (0) and what she/he said goes.
This was pre internet of course but it was a tried and true system. Perhaps your working on a product and need a catchy tag line or advert idea, who knows, anything at all really. So what would be the point of all this? Well I'm Hoping that I might be able to help you with a creative dilemma and in turn you can help me jog my noggin. So your probably thinking why don't I just go and paint a picture or write a poem or some such shit. Well a baby, a baby is why. Mother natures great excuse but it is true. When the babe goes to bed I'm to tired to start a big project and when she's awake it's pointless. Trying to be creative amongst constant stops and starts whilst trying to prevent paint poisoning and a wool area rug massacre isn't worth it. To mention my once studio space is now a nursary won't be surprising I'm sure. Also that would circumvent the whole point. I'm hoping to get a glimpse into someone else's kunundrums and mental blocks to maybe feel solidarity, inspiration and hopefully help! I live in my own head let me into yours!...umm...please. Of course there is no guarantees that I can solve your issue or that you would even like the solution if I did but what's the harm in trying. Now let's go over my vast array of qualifications that allows me to speak with authority on any manner of topics...a hem.
  • Arts and crafts connoisseur - I like art. I've done crafts ( somewhat against my will) but crafts none the less. I cannot name 98 percent of artists or their paintings, however I enjoy looking at them and being jealous of their talent. I've painted a number of pictures and some people actually bought them or had them commissioned, that makes me a professional right?
  • Relationship expert- I have been with my husband for twenty years. Since I was 13. That has got to count for something. As far as advice this may be a good or bad thing, depending on what your after.
  • Dental Hygienist- this obviously gives me cart Blanche as far as medical insight. The hygienist is essentially the bartender of the health professions, we listen to everyone's problems most not being mouth related.
  • Parent- With a ten month old baby girl under my belt I now know EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about how to parent.
So hopefully the sarcasm is translated into text, but I will put thought into your issues. Also comedy and an unladylike amount of vulgarity. That's what it's about. Let's give this a try, hit me up in the comments. Or you can email me if you want to discuss a hoo ha problem or your husbands penis size privately ;). Cheers!!


  1. Love this! Are you going back to work or staying home with your beautiful little girl? What are you thoughts and experience about finding a day home/day care. What kind of things is a new mom supposed to look for? These people are pretty much raising your child while the mom is at work.


    1. Hey Linz! Thanks for commenting your such a sweetheart. I am going back to work but I have an amazing schedule which will allow Bowie to only need daycare 2 or 3 days a week. I had a hard time finding care, it was about a week of calling and emails before I found her a spot. Start now if you haven't already. Go onto your provinces government website and they should have a list of all daycares, their ratings,location,age range and contact information. This was far less time consuming than a google search. As far as what to look for I would try to find someone with a similar parenting philosophy to your own, then the babes wont be torn and confused over one set of rules and another. Of course I'm sure cleanliness and stimulating environment need not be explained. The lady I found seems relaxed, she has activities and outings but also allows the kids free play time. A less rigid and structured environment is what I like and you may like something a little more class like? Also don't be shy to check references, I was lucky to have a recomendation from a friend and it gave me great piece of mind. Even though I haven't even had her in daycare and I'm possibly talking out of my ass...I don't think you need to worry to much about someone else raising your child. Lindsey you and your husband are such kind and loving people that your life lessons will outshine anything he may learn with someone else! Hope that helps!

  2. Whats your advice on keeping the spark alive in a relationship after so long? How do you keep it from not becoming "boring" especially after having a baby ;)

  3. Well I have to be honest it will get boring at times. It can't be helped and it's nobodies fault we just get tied up in our own shit. Sometimes Chris and I go days without talking much, I'm on my Ipad and he's on his phone. However what I feel brings us back together is laughter, theres nothing sexier than a funny guy. I think a lot of people make a big deal out of sex and that has it's importance but if your not ever laughing together your not really happy. We live in a screen age there's no way around it so even watching a stupid youtube video together can do the trick. Don't take each other to seriously just be silly sometimes he's one of the only people you can feel comfortable to be your complete self with. I've met your husband, he's a funny mother fucker you will be just fine. If that's not enough there is always porn! Yes it is perfect for a tired new mom. Allow the video to do the foreplay for you, pick your category find your kink...sit back and when the moments right follow through, no lingerie, candles or dinner required!! Haha

  4. This is absolutely fantastic! I would TOTALLY use you as my personal operator when trying to make decisions because, quite frankly, I am the most indecisive arsehole. Ever. I feel that this is mostly due to the fact that there are 1000 things running through my head all day..everyday.

    Ever walk into an old 100-year-old apartment that is rented by a bunch of stoner university boys? You know, where everything they own is scattered throughout their place and they have approximately 300 posters hung unevenly on the walls that range from ‘Radiohead’ to ‘Dude, Where’s My Car?’ Yeah, that’s what the inside of my head looks like.

    With that being said, my question for you, my love, is this: how the hell do you truly know what you want to do with the rest of your life and how do you choose how to live it? I mean, I get it. You go to university; you graduate with a goal-orientated degree that you hang on your wall so you can prove how smart you are, you get married, have kids and live happily ever after. Awesome. But what happens if despite the fact that the degree you took is something that you are passionate about, the job market within the community that is close to family and friends offers you little to nothing to apply to? I mean, people can say all they want that money isn’t everything and I would have to agree. But money is an essential thing to have if you want a family and want to be able to offer the same things, that we were so blessed to have, to our children as well.

    So do you sell out and follow a career that may not LOVE but it offers you the financial needs to live a more luxurious life? OR

    Do you follow your dreams, move somewhere different so you can pursue the career you desire?

    Help me, O wise one. xox

  5. Hi babe so glad you commented! First of all I know your head is far tidier in thought than a frat boy apartment and it certainly smells better! You wouldn't have gotten as far as you have otherwise. You are also in the same dilemma I faced when choosing what to do. I had to weigh my options and selling out won...haha. Basically yes I like my career but it certainly wasn't my passion. My passion is art, writing, science etc. however when I looked at the possible real world jobs I could acquire it would require great sacrifice of financial security. So I did choose a practical path but I chose wisely, I looked at the job market to make sure there was a need and also the usual work week hours aside from pay and benefits of course. I felt dental hygiene gave me the best balance to make a comfortable living but also have time to follow personal passions. It sounds so romantic to say fuck the establishment I'm doing what I love but I fear that LOve will eventually turn to regret when you have to struggle for everything you need or want. So honey I would advise to choose a stable career that allows you the personal time you need to dabble in you passion and if your very lucky or smart someday you may replace one with the other. The problem with doing it the other way around is you may find yourself happy but unable to support your lifestyle and you really don't want to start having to consider going back to school for a second career at 36. What I'm doing right now is an exact example of what we are talking about, I started a blog because I enjoy writing, I paint when the mood strikes, but the mortgage is payed and the fridge is full... I can also afford luxuries like travel now and then. In a parallel universe I live in soho and have standing room gallery openings every month, I survive on champagne and poutine. In reality if I chose that path I most likely would be living with four other people and trying to sell pictures at the flea market...haha. You can have both it's just a matter of finding the right balance ;) xo

  6. Love this blog never seize to amaze me xo
